

Our Producers: The Key To Excellence

Having originated from the passion and labours of two farmers, RAVIFRUIT has taken pride, over the years, in upholding its core values of respect for nature, quality and authenticity.

Aware that nature and the production of fruit depend on a fragile Aware that nature and the production of fruit depend on a fragile producers, working alongside them in order to be able to select and pick fruit of the highest possible quality.

Observation, patience and protection are the guiding principles of an agricultural approach that RAVIFRUIT endeavours to preserve and to express as best as possible in its products on a daily basis. The latter are thus a reflection of an alchemy that has developed over the years between the experience of generations of farmers and our technical expertise in the creation of fruit products.

The Know-How Of Our Production

  • The selection of the best regions, varieties and climates
  • Fruit picked when it is fully ripe
  • A long-term partnership with our producers
  • Sustainable farming methods

Inside Apple Orchards with the participation of Annie & Gerard Marion

(Growers – Epinouze – Drôme)


Inside Peach Orchards with the participation of Yannick Giraud

(Growers – Epinouze – Drôme)



Fruit Bursting With Sunshine

We let nature do its work and only harvest when the fruit is fully ripe to ensure the organoleptic qualities of each piece of fruit:

  • Colour
  • Taste
  • Texture

We use our outstanding knowledge of the sector to preserve the authentic taste of fruit by:

  • Selecting varieties
  • Selecting terroirs carefully
  • Working in harmony with nature


In Search Of The Perfect Union

Ravifruit seeks flavours from around the world and selects the best fruit to carry you away at every mouthful.

Ravifruit composes and assembles flavours and colours.

We develop our products alongside research and development experts, pastry chefs and mixologists.

We act as sourcer/assembler, blending fruit profiles to create unrivalled tastes.



Preserving the essential ingredient: the flavour of the fruit

Ravifruit has developed a unique process in the complex domain of cold storage.
We consider the natural characteristics of each type of fruit to ensure it retains all its natural qualities. Our process of transformation is adapted to each fruit characteristics (citrus, red fruits, exotic fruits, orchard fruits etc) involving a deep technical knowledge of refining, preservation and freezing.



Our Knowledge At The Service Of Your Talent

We care about offering our customers all the expertise they deserve. To provide you with counselling, recipes and tips, we work in collaboration with pastry chefs and ice cream experts across the globe.

The recipes and applications we develop with them to support you in using our products are available through our intranet:
